There are approximately 75 trillion cells in the human body – each cell has over 1 million neuropeptide receptors. The cells of the human body vibrate or oscillate. (This can be seen in video footage of red blood cells traveling through blood vessels under high magnification, or macrophages chasing bacteria.) Electromagnetic impulses of the appropriate frequencies can produce cellular resonance – vibration at maximum amplitude. Neuro-peptide receptors on the surface of the cell vibrate. As with the cell, electromagnetic impulses produce resonant vibrations of these membrane receptors to stimulate a variety of functions within the cell.
An electromagnetic field applied within a biological window* signals all of these receptors simultaneously. This is the essence of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. The beneficial effects of PEMF may be produced through improved intercellular communication and intracellular interactions. The resonance effect restores disrupted or abnormal cellular and/or cell receptor oscillations that are vital for metabolic processes, circulation, cell regeneration and the immune system (a biological window is a range or spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies that are readily accepted by the body and converted to positive physiological responses. Signals that fall outside the biological window have little or no effect).
When receptor signaling takes place by first messengers (proteins, hormones, amino acids, enzymes and electromagnetic signals), the cell changes its behavior in a prescribed way and the inner machinery of the cell is directed to perform a prescribed function, including the activation of enzymes such as protein kinase and the manufacture of proteins, the transfer of the effects of hormones that cannot pass through the cell membrane such as adrenaline and glucagons, and the regulation of calcium ion flow through the membrane. Once a membrane receptor has been signaled effectively a second messenger carries the signal from the cell membrane to the cell’s inner machinery. The net effect is increased ATP and increased energy for muscle contraction, exercise, and the healing of tissue damage.
One key function of the cell’s membrane is to provide a stable environment for biological processes inside the cell. This is achieved through the protective function of selective permeability. One of the ways the cell membrane achieves selective permeability is through the establishment of a membrane potential. The membrane potential of a cell is the voltage difference between the interior of the cell and the exterior of the cell. The cell’s normal membrane potential is 70-90 mV (milliVolts.) Someone in a state of illness or disease may have a membrane potential of 30-40 mV.
ATP synthesis by mitochondria is increased by exposure to weak pulsating electromagnetic fields – PEMFs do this by increasing ATPase activity (Blank 1995/50, Lednev 2001/51) ATP synthesis is also increased by electromagnetic signaling of the cell membrane to open the ion pumps. The increased ATP synthesis continues for a time even after the ion pumps become inactive. (Detinger 2002/52)
This is all a long-winded way to state that PEMFs enhance cell membrane permeability and cell membrane potential – both of which lead to higher functioning cells which leads to a healthier body.
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