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PEMF Wellness Technologies Proudly Introduces All New! Innovative!
Most Effective! All Powerful! PEMF8000 MOBILE Model
Heals Pain in Minutes. Not Days! Profound New Technology!
PEMF8000 New Generation CASE MODEL MOBILE Device
Includes All New "Gel Electro-Magnetic" Healing Loop
Most Effective! All Powerful! PEMF8000 All NEW!
Heals Pain in Fast. Not Days! Profound New Technology!
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Experience Profound Healing!
Factory Direct! Made In USA
Amazing Discovery! PEMF8000Device! PEMF8000!
Offering the most Advanced Technology on the Planet!
Discover The Most Amazing PEMF Discovery! PEMF8000
SAVINGS OF $10,000.00
Contact: Charlie Farricielli 203-214-5454
Or Text me for more Information
Are You Considering a PEMF Device? PLEASE READ!
Are You Thinking About Buying a PEMF Device or PEMF Machine?
“Don’t Buy an iMRS, MRS 2000, Bemer 3000, QRS Quantron, Medithera, Magnopro, Curatron, MAS System, Ondamed, Pap-imi, PMT-100 or PEMF 100, MG-33 or MG-Pro, Pulsed Energy Tech or any PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) Therapy Device Until You Read This.”
Effects of Magnetic Pulse Therapy have been studied in:
Alzheimer’s Disease • Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis • Arthritis • Asthma • Atherosclerosis • Bone Healing • Bronchitis • Burns • Cervical Osteoarthritis • Chronic Venous Insufficiency • Dental Problems • Depression • Diabetes • Elbow Pain • Endometriosis/Endometritis • Epilepsy • Eye Disorders • Facial Nerve Neuropathy/Paralysis • Fibromyalgia • Glaucoma • Gynecology • Headache • Hearing Loss • Heart Disease • Herpetic Stomatitis • Hypertension • Insomnia • Kidney Failure/Inflammation/Stones • Knee Pain • Laryngeal Inflammation • Leprosy • Limb Lengthening • Liver/ Hepatitis • Lupus Erythematosus • Lymphadenitis • Mandibular Osteomyelitis • Maxillofacial Disorders • Migraine • Multiple Sclerosis • Muscle Rehabilitation • Muscular Dystrophy • Neck Pain • Nerve Regeneration • Neuropathy • Optic Nerve Atrophy • Osteochondrosis • Osteoporosis • Pain • Pancreatitis • Parkinson’s Disease • Paroxysmal Dyskinesia • Pelvic Pain • Peptic – Duodenal Ulcer • Periodontitis • Pneumonia • Poisoning – Detoxification • Post-Mastectomy • Post-Polio Syndrome • Post-Herpetic Pain • Prostatitis • Pseudoarthrosis • Psoriasis • Rheumatoid Arthritis • Schizophrenia • Seasonal Affective Disorder • Shoulder Pain • Sinusitis • Sleep – Insomnia • Spinal Cord Injury • Stroke • Tendonitis • Tinnitus • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation • Trophic Ulcer • Tubal Pregnancy • Tuberculosis • Urinary Incontinence • Urinary Inflammation – Trauma • Uterine Myoma • Vasomotor Rhinitis • Vestibular Dysfunction • Whiplash • Wound Healing • Wrinkles.
Besides addressing specific conditions, many health promoting benefits have been reported, including increased energy and availability of oxygen, enhanced transport of ions (calcium, potassium, sodium) across cell membranes, improved circulation, enhanced sleep, pain relief and stress reduction. There is speculation that regular PEMF treatment may increase longevity and quality of life.
Magnetic fields pass through the body as if it were transparent which may account for many, far-reaching and systemic effects.
Reported effects also include:
• Vasodilation• Reduction of edema• Reduced platelet adhesion• Fibrinolysis• Acceleration of enzyme reactions
• Enhanced calcium, sodium and other ion movement• Muscle relaxation• Stimulation of nitric oxide production• Enhanced membrane function
• Enhanced sodium – potassium exchange• Improved cellular energy• Immunity changes• Amino acid changes• Reduced nerve cell firing• Repair of soft tissue
• Free radical effects• Anti-oxidant stimulation• Brain Function Effects• Stress Reduction• Hormonal Changes• Learning Changes
• Scar Modification• Enhanced Metabolism• Water Modification
• Electrolyte Changes• Bone Healing• Acceleration of Bone Formation• Autonomic Nervous System Actions
• Enhanced Oxygenation• Inflammation Reduction• Sleep Improvement• Changes in metabolism of medications
• Liver Function Changes• Enhanced Wound Healing• Improved Fertility• Receptor Binding Changes
“PEMF is a benefit for Mankind from infant to the geriatric.
PEMF will lead to a change in the paradigm of medicine.”
Dr. Linus Pauling – Double Nobel Prize Winner
30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
Thank you for your interest and discovering the most miraculous and exhilarating innovative technology ever created! The PEMF8000 New Generation is dramatically assisting and presently restoring whole health to many clients and patients of the wellness community!
Join us for an exciting journey of stimulating health information and the most amazing creative technology advancements ever witnessed in the field of health!
Who Is PEMF Wellness Technologies?
In the past, people dreamed of what the future might look like. Imagined how people might live in a time when advanced technology provides the solution for today’s worst health problems. Chronic pain due to illness, injury, surgery and old age was the widest reaching incurable health problem in the U.S. and indeed the world in 2015.
I would have say that it “was” the worst incurable health problem because right now you are holding in your hands the key to curing it.
PEMF Wellness Technologies LLC, the original electronic manufacturer (OEM) that invented the PEMF8000. A medical device that relieves chronic pain in as little as minutes and accelerates patient healing up to three times normal. Because we believe the future starts here.
Our team at PEMF Wellness Technologies developed the PEMF8000 based on existing research proven and published by respected sources. Our personal systematic research and development went toward applying these scientific discoveries to creating a product that satisfies market needs unmet by our competition.
In many cases, we are applying this advanced research to markets that are ‘behind the times’ because they were not exposed to the new information at the time of its discovery.
Our company is the first to apply this never before discovered technology in the form of a new product, the PEMF WELLNESS TECHNOLOGY PEMF8000, and will provide us a profound advantage in the medical and consumer electronics marketplace that we are about to enter.
Here is the BLOG Links
Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy has been used to treat almost every conceivable human illness or malady, including many inflammatory diseases such as arthritis or psoriasis and you don’t have to wait for the FDA to approve this treatment for your kind of cancer. All you have to do is choose among the many options in terms of equipment.
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMFT), also called pulsed magnetic therapy, pulse magneto-therapy, or PEMF, is a reparative technique most commonly used in the field of orthopedics for the treatment of non-union fractures, failed fusions, congenital pseudarthrosis and depression. In the case of bone healing, PEMF uses electrical energy to direct a series of magnetic pulses through injured tissue whereby each magnetic pulse induces a tiny electrical signal that stimulates cellular repair.
Many studies have also demonstrated the effectiveness of PEMF in healing soft-tissue wounds, suppressing inflammatory responses at the cell membrane level to alleviate pain and increase range of motion. The value of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy has been shown to cover a wide range of conditions, with well-documented trials carried out by hospitals, rheumatologists, physiotherapists and neurologists. In years past this has been a very expensive form of therapy using sophisticated equipment, but that has all changed.
Frequency specific pulsed electro-magnetic fields (PEMF) are the most effective and cost-efficient option for the widest range of human and veterinary disorders regardless of etiology. PEMF therapy does not treat medical conditions; instead it up-regulates the body’s functions and optimizes the body’s ability to heal itself.
PEMF provides stunning regenerative effects because these magnetic fields result in cells generating so much naturally derived energy that they are able to heal themselves. A magnetic switch turbochargers cellular energy production and reduces oxidative stress.
Magnetic fields also affect the charge of the cell membrane, which allows membrane channels to open up. These channels are like the doors and windows of a house. By opening cell channels, nutrients are better able to enter the cell, and waste is more easily eliminated from the cell. This helps to rebalance and restore optimum cell function. If you restore enough cells, they will all work more efficiently. Cells of the same type come together to make tissues, and those tissues come together to make organs. So, by restoring or maintaining cellular function, you will, in turn, restore or maintain organ function, allowing the entire body to function better. We all know that the body ages over time. Maintaining the function of every individual cell at an optimal level every day is an important part of slowing aging.
Cellular “injury,” the state of a cell when it is not healthy, leads to disease conditions. Magnetic fields protect against cell injury by improving circulation, repair processes and energy, and increasing special stress proteins in the cells. These proteins are used to prevent cell breakdown and wear and tear as well as help speed recovery from injury. Magnetic fields balance cells, tissues and bodily functions at very fundamental levels, even before damage and problems become obvious to you.”
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