Creating Wellness Longevity with PEMF Therapy
Creating long life with PEMF therapy is not a secret any more. From the very launch of man-kind, we’ve been on the quest for the fountain of youth as also staying alive longer.
With Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy, producing longevity and anti-aging becomes possible and it’s easy to see why. PEMF fulfills all the basic necessities for achieving wellness longevity.
PEMF therapy Creates Health and Wellness
Longevity and Senior health has been attributed to genes. For example, the oldest people on earth are frequently found in Japan.
Now that’s great news if you happen to be from such a lineage, but what if you’re not or your environment is now changed compared to your origins? That’s when efforts have to be spent on upgrading your DNA to slow down and even reverse ageing.
NASA research on PEMF therapy conducted in 2002 shows that PEMF therapy has far reaching genetic benefits, especially useful for longevity and senior health. PEMF therapy reverses the cellular ageing process by down regulating 175 maturity and regulatory genes as well as up regulating about 150 growth enabling genes.
The NASA study used PEMFs tuned at 10 Hz for 8 hours per day between 17-21 days to show these epigenetic effects.
It’s no wonder when it comes to senior health, PEMF has been indeed very successful. Age reversal starts happening with long-term use.
And now, its 2018 – there has been in-depth research by thousands of scientists and we have many more frequencies for PEMF treatment and several effective PEMF devices available today for fighting several if not all age-related health issues.
Read our PEMF therapy articles to see how PEMF therapy helps in a wide variety of conditions with references to research and studies.
Tissue and Bone Health with PEMFs
One of the main age-related senior health issues is decline of tissue and bone quality.
Once again, in 2010, NASA published research and patented a PEMF device for “Modifying the genetic regulation of bone and cartilage cells and associated tissue by EMF stimulation fields and uses thereof”. In this PEMF patent by NASA, the researcher Thomas Goodwin declares more than 2000 genes being regulated with effective PEMFs.
Again, several hundred independent studies by various scientists show the benefits of PEMF for tissues and bone health. Conditions like Arthritis and Osteoporosis have been proven to be benefited by the use of PEMF therapy.
Enhanced Oxygen Metabolism discovered by use of PEMF therapy
Optimum oxygen metabolism is linked to longevity since ancient times. In India, the yogic lifestyle involves a practice known as Pranayama. Various breathing exercises are used to slow down the breathing as well as improve the depth of breathing. Combine that with a sedentary peaceful lifestyle in the mountains, closer to the ground and earth’s magnetic fields, we see historical accounts of long-life spans reaching up to 200 years by such practitioners.
We can see that the key to creating longevity of tissue and bone health1 is ensuring enhanced oxygen metabolism2 in the body’s cells.
Pulsed electromagnetic fields at appropriate frequencies and amplitude can penetrate the whole body and enhances oxygen utilization. This is one of the reasons why PEMF works better than any other electrotherapy treatment.
Hormone Regulation with PEMF therapy
An important aspect of wellness and longevity is hormonal balance. Traditional methods to balance hormones usually depend on consuming compounds that up-regulate or down-regulate a particular hormone based on its chemical composition. While this technique works, it frequently goes wrong and it’s very difficult to monitor the doses required on a daily basis. These methods also may be working on the symptoms, not be a permanent solution, and often cause serious side-effects. For women in many cases, hormone related issues have been really problematic and often results in fatal outcomes including but not limited to Cancer. Here again PEMF therapy shows great results3.
It’s pertinent to notice how everything is so connected. Deep breathing also results in hormonal balance as also regular use of PEMF devices. The best part is, you don’t have to monitor levels and doses. It all works autonomously. Whether its thyroid or the endocrine system4, it doesn’t matter, low power, low frequency and long-term PEMF device use helps balance all the hormones. Many people report disappearances of hormone related issues completely with PEMFs, in several cases years after they have been taking drugs to achieve relief.
Pain is also a hormonal issue for many, and PEMF once again has shown to not only help in pain relief but also resolve the underlying conditions.
As we can see, PEMF therapy is one complete package for seniors and longevity alike. Whether your aim is to stay young or become young, both possibilities are extended to everyone now with PEMF therapy. Let us now see the PEMF devices we found most effective for longevity and senior health.
Recommended PEMF Devices for Longevity & Senior Health and Wellness
Many options exist today for PEMF devices, and it can get confusing to decide which one is for you. When deciding on PEMF devices for Longevity and Senior Health, our choice has to be perfect to discover a device, that is both economical and effective. We need a PEMF device that’s powerful, has proper frequency range/amplitude and also has positive user feedback and reviews. Here is the #1 selection to find our best preference. PEMF8000
In our experience, these PEMF devices are an excellent choice for whole-body rejuvenation and noticeable anti-aging effects. Access their reviews and learn more about them below.
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